Self-care is important for everyone - but it’s CRITICAL for people who experience anxiety. Self-care provides time for your brain and your body to restore, and on a physical level gives your body a break from the cortisol release, the stress hormone, that often comes with anxiety.

Self-care is more than bubble-baths. It means something different for everyone and it is important for people to begin to identify what are the things, and the activities that make you feel good? Who are the people who make you feel good about yourself? Make time for those activities and those people.

Here is a self-care inventory activity to help you take stock of your own self-care and to give you ideas for how to improve

Caregivers and parents, should model self-care for teens and adolescents. Be creative invite them to try new things. Make time and space for activities together and separately that support your wellness. Here is a shortlist of ideas for self-care:

  • Call or text a friend
  • Go for a walk
  • Drink water
  • Take a nap
  • Eat a healthy meal
  • Have a cup of tea or another favorite warm beverage
  • Sit in the sunlight
  • Take a shower or bath
  • Read poetry or inspiring quotes
  • Light a candle
  • Meditate
  • Write in a journal
  • Spend time in nature
  • Play a board game with family or friends
  • Color
  • Create art and make a craft
  • Play a sport you enjoy
  • Pray
  • Snuggle or play with a pet
  • List five things you're grateful for